How goCharge Offers This Revolutionary Method To Collect Data From Your Target Audience
Introducing Canvass: A revolutionary data collection software integrated in goCharge’s cell phone charging stations that collects real-time customized information and data from your hyper-local audience.

goCharge Canvass Consumer Data Collection
goCharge had a vision of expanding on its industry leading cell phone charging stations to make them even more valuable to our clients. With Canvass, our mobile charging kiosks are more than just a power source — they are an intelligent solution that offers a smart method for businesses to gain valuable consumer insights.
Advantages of Canvass vs. other data collection platforms
Providing cell phone charging stations to your customers and consumers is already in demand — and with Canvass, you can make the most out of this solution. Go beyond the charge by incentivizing your consumers to charge by offering a promotion, a survey, discount, sweepstakes, and more classic marketing techniques. Because your target audience is already physically there, why not learn more about them to enhance and grow your business? It is vital to know who your business’s audience is. The activity of charging a cell phone is one most people will wait around for — regardless of how long it takes. As opposed to other platforms where there is a constant struggle to prevent the consumer from leaving, goCharge’s cell phone charging stations already have a captivated audience standing there charging their phones. By offering them even more with a promotion in exchange for a charge, you raise consumer satisfaction and loyalty.
Bring your business to the next level. Learn more about Canvass and by calling goCharge at 844-286-4870.