
Why It’s Critical To Have Your Cell Phone Charged After An Event or Concert

You’ve been waiting for Bruce Springsteen to come to your city or town forever. The concert is finally tonight.

You’ve been gearing up to exhibit or attend the best trade show or conference of the year — the one you look forward to for business and/or person growth. The event is finally today.

Whether you’re heading to your event with your phone fully charged or you didn’t have time to get that battery looking nice and green, having a charged phone at all events is no longer a “nice to have”. It’s a “need to have”. And more importantly, it’s crucial to have your phone charged after the event. After you’ve just spent hours taking photos, videos, uploading to social media, texting, checking email, and more, it’s likely that your phone’s battery will be drained.

But how will you get home after the event? You can’t use Uber or Lyft with a dead phone. That’s where goCharge comes in.

We’ve been providing stadiums, concert venues, trade shows and conferences charging solutions for many years. As the leading company in the industry, the nation looks to goCharge for all charging solutions to fit any budget, need, style and schedule.

Contact us today to find out more or just say hi: 844-286-4870.

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