
5 tips to keep your mobile device battery charged for longer

Whether it be a natural disaster, work meetings, or family outings, mobile device batteries surely don’t last forever. Our priority at goCharge is to help keep people connected by charging up — so we came up with a list of tips and tricks to keep your battery charged up as long as possible.

How to keep your mobile device battery charged for longer

How to keep your mobile device battery charged for longer

Turn off Bluetooth and Wifi

Even when Bluetooth and Wifi are not linked to any sources, they will constantly search for sources to which they can join.

Don’t let it get too hot or cold

Keeping your phone room temperature is vital for battery life — avoid leaving it in the car, outside, and don’t leave it in the fridge by accident (we’ve all been guilty of that mistake). Stay away from extreme temperatures, this can cause permanent damage.

Dim the screen brightness // use auto brightness

The brightness on your screen is directly related to battery drainage. Think about it: if you have a dimmer in your lights at home, the brighter your lights are, the higher your electricity bill is. That’s because the light consumes energy. Bringing this concept back to a cell phone battery: Bright screen –> More energy –> More battery usage.

Turn off location services, GPS

Even when the app isn’t in use, or isn’t running at all, it is still *quietly* draining your battery. Just because you’re not active on Google Maps or Waze doesn’t mean they’re not tracking you, preparing for that second you need their services. Change the settings of your phone to turn off location services.

Turn off push email

It’s less convenient, but will save a huge amount of battery life. Manually checking your mail is not only good for your battery, it’s good for your mental health. You choose when to check in, rather than that red 1 notification checking in on you in the middle of dinner. Regardless of how you choose to check your mail, when you’re in a situation where you really need to save battery, turn off everything “push”.

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