Entertainment Venues

⚡️ We keep MLB, NFL and NHL fans around the country charged up

⚡️ Attractive addition to VIP suites & luxury lounges

⚡️ Increase customer dwell time and spend potential in food courts, bars and team stores

⚡️ Ensures attendees can download tickets as paperless ticketing become the ‘norm’

⚡️ Allows fans to access social media and mobile wagering apps and ride share companies

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A Full Line of Charging Stations

How goCharge Helps Sports Stadiums

Cell phone and tablet usage is absolutely essential at sports stadium and entertainment venues. Entertainment is all about taking photos and recording videos, posting to social media, meeting up with friends, coworkers, or anybody important. This requires constant texting and calling, paying for merchandise, food and drink (Apple Pay, Venmo, PayPal, Chase Quickpay, etc.), and access ride share companies like Uber and Lyft. A dead cell phone battery at an entertainment venue could potentially ruin someone’s entire experience.

Paperless ticketing is rapidly gaining in popularity, at some venues they are all that is accepted. Placing a Solar Charging Station outside the arenas ensure attendees have a charged battery so they can access their tickets. Tailgating parties and outdoor / roof top food courts are also the perfect spots for a goCharge Solar Kiosk and Table. And VIP suites and luxury lounges are more inviting with the addition of Cell Phone Charges.

A charged smart phone or tablet may be the single most important marketing tool of a concert or music hall. These days, the attitude is: “If it’s not on social media, it didn’t happen.” Attendees want to record their experiences and post them on social media and as a result, promote your venue. Giving concert goers full cell phone batteries exponentially increases the venue’s brand awareness. It also provides comfort to the attendees in knowing that they can easily communicate with friends or family who they might be meeting at the event. Food and restroom lines tend to get lengthy at concert and music halls, and a dead cell phone battery could become worrisome if someone is gone for longer than expected. Providing Cell Phone Charging Kiosks at music and concert halls is a necessary box to check off.

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