How to Charge your Cell Phone Safely in a Hospital
We’ve all been there: Waiting for hours in the hospital while visiting a loved one. And with hours of waiting comes hours of cell phone battery drainage. So, you look around for an outlet or that familiar USB port to charge your phone. Here’s where the danger comes in: Those USB ports on a machine are used by technicians to service and update medical devices. These devices could be responsible for keeping someone alive, or providing the appropriate dosage of medicine, or other vital processes. It doesn’t end there—you may not know it, but you may be walking around with a malware infected cell phone. More and more, viruses are smarter than smartphones—hiding in the software of the phone without the owner ever knowing. Should this malware transmit through the USB port to the hospital machine, there could be serious potential damages. Not only could the cell phone have malware, the charger could have malware, too—as well as the common USB sticks used so often these days.
Help us spread the word in potentially saving lives. goCharge provides cell phone charging stations for many hospitals throughout the country, which is the best solution to keep your cell phone charged up while the wait continues. Find out more here.
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